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Ocean travel in subject [X]
Missler, F. in subject [X]
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1Title:  F. Missler Records     
 Creator:  F. Missler 
 Dates:  1898-1940 
 Abstract:  F. Missler was a passenger agent operating out of Bremen, Germany and Budapest, Hungary. He arranged travel and transferred funds to America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The collection consists of papers relating to travel arrangements, including correspondence and passports for several families. The collection is useful to those interested in travel on ocean liners during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It also pertains to Hungarian immigration. 
 Call #:  MS 4420 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Missler, F. | Ocean travel | Hungarians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Hungary -- Emigration and immigration. | United States -- Emigration and immigration.
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