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Book (1)
1Title:  The art of epistolary composition: or Models of letters, billets, bills of exchange to which are added, a collection of fables for pupils learning the French language; a series of letters between a cadet and his father, describing the system pursued at the American, literary, scientific and military academy at Middletown, Conn. and a discourse on education, by Capt. Alden Partridge    
 Creator:  Peyre-Ferry, Franðcois 
 Partridge, Alden, 1785-1854
 Publication:  E. & H. Clark, Middletown, Conn,1826. 
 Call #:  PE1481 P516 
 Extent:  [iii]-xii, [13]-288 p. ; front. (port.) pl. 18 cm. 
 Subjects:  Norwich University | Letter writing | French language -- Composition and exercises | Fathers and sons -- United States -- Correspondence | English language -- Rhetoric | American letters | Education
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