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Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Regimental histories in subject [X]
United States. -- Army -- African American troops in subject [X]
Results:  2 Items
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Book (2)
Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Participation, African American (2)
Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Regimental histories[X]
United States. -- Army -- African American troops[X]
United States. -- Army. -- Cavalry Regiment, 10th (1866- ) (1)
United States. -- Army. -- Volunteer Infantry, 9th (1)
1Title:  Under fire: With the Tenth U.S. cavalry. Being a brief, comprehensive review of the negro's participation in the wars of the United States. Especially showing the valor and heroism of the negro soldiers of the Ninth and Tenth cavalries, and the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth infantries of the regular army; as demonstrated in the decisive campaign around Santiago de Cuba, 1898 ... Thrilling episodes interestingly narrated by officers and men. Famous Indian campaigns and their results. A purely military history of the negro    
 Creator:  Cashin, Herschel V. 
 Alexander, Charles, 1868-
 Anderson, William T., 1859-
 Brown, Arthur McKimmon, 1867-
 Bivins, Horace Wayman, 1862-
 Publication:  American Publ. House, Chicago,[c1902] 
 Call #:  E725.45 10th 
 Extent:  xv, 361 p. illus. 21 cm. 
 Subjects:  United States. -- Army. -- Cavalry Regiment, 10th (1866- ) | United States. -- Army -- African American troops | Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Regimental histories | Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Participation, African American
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2Title:  The Spanish-American War volunteer: Ninth United States volunteer infantry roster and muster; biographies; Cuban sketches    
 Creator:  Coston, W. Hilary (William Hilary) 
 Publication:  The Author, Middletown, Pa,1899. 
 Call #:  E725.7 C84 
 Extent:  224 p. front., illus., maps, ports. 25 cm. 
 Subjects:  United States. -- Army. -- Volunteer Infantry, 9th | United States. -- Army -- African American troops | Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Regimental histories | Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Participation, African American
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