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Feren, Maury. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Maury Feren Papers     
 Creator:  Feren, Maury 
 Dates:  1943-2006 
 Abstract:  Maury Feren was born in New York City in 1915 and came to Cleveland, Ohio, at the age of six. A graduate of Glenville High School, he first worked at his father's wholesale produce stand at the Northern Ohio Food Terminal. Following his marriage to Bess Nagelbush, he started his first business, M.B. Feren Produce. The business grew, and in 1951, Feren founded Feren Fruit Basket, a retail gift basket business. He sold both businesses to Fisher Foods in 1968. Feren and his wife then started Fruit Baskets by Maury in 1975; that business was sold in 1990. Feren appeared frequently on radio and television programs from the 1940s to the early 1990s to comment on food and good eating. He also lectured on food, physical fitness, and other topics at local colleges and universities. He volunteered for the American Heart Association, the Cleveland Jewish Welfare Fund, and Cleveland Golden Age Centers. The collection consists of announcements, articles, an autobiography, a booklet, catalogs, certificates, correspondence, newspaper clippings, a resume, a scrapbook, and scripts. 
 Call #:  MS 5035 
 Extent:  0.80 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Feren, Maury. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Distributors (Commerce) -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Wholesale trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Fruit trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Fruit.
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