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Mississippi River -- Navigation in subject [X]
Monongahela River (W. Va. and Pa.) in subject [X]
Inland navigation -- United States in subject [X]
Results:  3 Items
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Book (3)
Allegheny River (Pa. and N.Y.) (3)
Inland navigation -- United States[X]
Louisiana -- Description and travel (3)
Mississippi River -- Description and travel (3)
Mississippi River -- Navigation[X]
Monongahela River (W. Va. and Pa.)[X]
Ohio River -- Description and travel (3)
Ohio River -- Navigation (3)
Imprints, Early American To 1820 (2)
1Title:  The navigator: containing directions for navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio and Mississippi rivers ; with an ample account of these much admired waters, from the head of the former to the mouth of the latter ; and a concise description of their towns, villages, harbors, settlements, &c. with maps of the Ohio and Mississippi ; to which is added an appendix, containing an account of Louisiana, and of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, as discovered by the voyage under Capts. Lewis and Clark    
 Creator:  Cramer, Zadok, 1773-1813 
 Publication:  Cramer & Spear, Pittsburgh,1821. 
 Call #:  F25J C889 1821 Vault 
 Extent:  283 p. : ill., map ; 19 cm. 
 Subjects:  Inland navigation -- United States | Mississippi River -- Description and travel | Mississippi River -- Navigation | Ohio River -- Description and travel | Ohio River -- Navigation | Monongahela River (W. Va. and Pa.) | Allegheny River (Pa. and N.Y.) | Louisiana -- Description and travel
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2Title:  The navigator: containing directions for navigating the Monongahela, Alleghany, Ohio, and Mississippi rivers; with an ample account of these much admired waters, from the head of the former to the mouth of the latter ; and a concise description of their towns, villages, harbours, settlements, &c. With accurate maps of the Ohio and Mississippi ; to which is added an appendix, containing an account of Louisiana, and of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, as discovered by the voyage under Captains Lewis and Clark    
 Creator:  Cramer, Zadok, 1773-1813 
 Publication:  Published by Zadok Cramer and sold at his bookstore, Market-Street, From the press of Cramer & Spear, Pittsburgh,1808. 
 Notes:  "[Price one dollar.]" appears on t.p. between Cramer's address and "From the press of ..." 
 Call #:  F25J C889 1808 Vault 
 Extent:  [2], 156 p. : map ; 18 cm. 
 Subjects:  Inland navigation -- United States | Mississippi River -- Description and travel | Mississippi River -- Navigation | Ohio River -- Description and travel | Ohio River -- Navigation | Monongahela River (W. Va. and Pa.) | Allegheny River (Pa. and N.Y.) | Louisiana -- Description and travel | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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3Title:  The navigator: containing directions for navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio, and Mississippi rivers ; with an ample account of these much admired waters, from the head of the former to the mouth of the latter ; and a concise description of their towns, villages, harbors, settlements, &c. ; with maps of the Ohio and Mississippi ; to which is added an appendix, containing an account of Louisiana, and of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, as discovered by the voyage under Capts. Lewis and Clark    
 Creator:  Cramer, Zadok, 1773-1813 
 Publication:  Printed and published by Cramer & Spear, Franklin head, Wood Street, Pittsburgh,1818. 
 Call #:  F25J C889 1818 Vault 
 Extent:  304 p. : ill., maps ; 19 cm. 
 Subjects:  Inland navigation -- United States | Mississippi River -- Description and travel | Mississippi River -- Navigation | Ohio River -- Description and travel | Ohio River -- Navigation | Monongahela River (W. Va. and Pa.) | Allegheny River (Pa. and N.Y.) | Louisiana -- Description and travel | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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