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Vance family in subject [X]
Stein family in subject [X]
Arthur family in subject [X]
Results:  1 Item
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Book (1)
Arthur family[X]
Gregory family (1)
Johnson family (1)
Stein family[X]
Vance family[X]
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1Title:  Historical sketch of the Gregory, Johnson, Vance and Steen families: also of the Arthur family    
 Creator:  Arthur, Elijah A., b. 1870 
 Publication:  Standard Printing Co, Princeton, Ind,1937] 
 Notes:  Title from cover. Attributed to Elijah A. Arthur. Caption title: A history of the centennial group comprising the Gregory, Johnson, Vance, and Steen families. Running title: Souvenir edition of the centennial anniversary. At head of title: 1837-1937. 
 Call #:  Gregory family 
 Extent:  36 p. : ill., ports. ;. 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Gregory family | Johnson family | Vance family | Stein family | Arthur family
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