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Book (1)
1Title:  A sketch of Chili: expressly prepared for the use of emigrants, from the United States and Europe to that country, with a map, and several papers relating to the present war between that country and Spain, and the position assumed by the United States therein    
 Creator:  Vicuäna Mackenna, Benjamâin, 1831-1886 
 Publication:  Printed by S. Hallet, New York,1866. 
 Notes:  The second part has title: Chili, the United States and Spain; a series of lectures, speeches, editorial articles, and other publications, on the position assumed by ... Chili in the pending war with Spain. Considered under the light of the present foreign policy of the United States, by Daniel J. Hunter. New York, Printed by S. Hallet, 1866. The work of B. Vicuäna Mackenna. cf. "Bibliografia completa de las obras de don B. Vicuäna Mackenna", 1879; and "Ensayo de una bibliografia historica ... de Chile", by Anrique and Silva, 1902. 
 Call #:  F3058 V647 
 Extent:  2 v. in 1. front. (fold. map) 21 1/2 cm. 
 Subjects:  Lincoln, Abraham, -- 1809-1865 | Monroe doctrine | Chile | Chile -- History -- War with Spain, 1865-1866
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