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Glenville Shootout, Cleveland, Ohio, 1968. in subject [X]
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. in subject [X]
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Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government.[X]
Community development, Urban -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (3)
Glenville Shootout, Cleveland, Ohio, 1968.[X]
Stokes, Carl. (3)
Urban renewal -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (3)
Administrative agencies -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Records and correspondence. (2)
African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (2)
Air -- Pollution -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (2)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Appropriations and expenditures. (2)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Economic conditions. (2)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Officials and employees. (2)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations. (2)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social conditions. (2)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social policy. (2)
Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (2)
Urban policy -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (2)
Youth -- Employment -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (2)
Abortion -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
African American mayors -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
African American politicians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Aged -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs. (1)
American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976 -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Charitable contributions. (1)
Camp Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
Charities -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
City planning -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Economic policy. (1)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Ethnic relations. (1)
Cleveland (Ohio). City Council. (1)
Cleveland (Ohio). Dept. of Public Safety. (1)
Cleveland (Ohio). Mayor -- Archives. (1)
Cleveland (Ohio). Mayor's Council on Youth Opportunities. (1)
Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority. (1)
Cleveland Municipal Light Plant. (1)
Cleveland Transit System. (1)
Cleveland: NOW! (1)
Cleveland: NOW! -- Archives. (1)
Community centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Cuyahoga County (Ohio) -- Appropriations and expenditures. (1)
Cuyahoga County (Ohio) -- Politics and government. (1)
Evans, Fred (Fred Ahmed), d.1978. (1)
Fund raising -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority. (1)
Gun control -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Housing -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Housing rehabilitation -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Job creation -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Near West Side Multi-Service Center (Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. (1)
Perk, Ralph J., 1914- (1)
Personal rapid transit -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Police -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. (1)
Politicians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Pornography -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Recreation and juvenile delinquency. (1)
Riots -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Social action -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Social work with youth -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Youth -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Recreation. (1)
Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
1Title:  Carl Stokes Papers     
 Creator:  Stokes, Carl 
 Dates:  1956-1972 
 Abstract:  Carl Stokes (1927-1996) was the Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, from 1967-1971. Stokes was the first African American mayor of a major American city and the first African American Democrat in the Ohio State Legislature, where he served three terms from 1962-1967. As mayor, Stokes launched a number of programs to alleviate the problems of urban decay. Chief among these was Cleveland: NOW!, a joint public and private program with plans to raise $177 million in its first two years to revitalize Cleveland. The program was discredited due to the Glenville Shootout in July, 1968. Under Stokes, Cleveland City Council passed the Equal Employment Opportunity Ordinance, and HUD resumed funding projects aiding in the construction of over 3,000 new low- and middle-income housing units. Stokes became a newscaster with NBC television in 1972, and returned to his law practice in Cleveland in 1980. In 1983, Stokes was elected a municipal court judge. The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the political career of Carl B. Stokes, including his terms in the Ohio State legislature, his mayoral campaigns, and particularly his tenure as mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. The collection details the organization of the mayor's office, and illustrates the problems that Blacks in the vanguard of social and political progress faced, as well as the challenges faced by any urban leader in the turbulent 1960s and early 1970s. Key events in Stokes' administration are illustrated, including the Glenville Shootout, the hiring and resignation of Safety Director Gen. Ben Davis, the activities of the Mayor's Council on Youth Opportunities, and Cleveland: NOW! The work of then City Council President James Stanton is represented, along with material relating to Stokes' brother Louis. Notable correspondents include Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale, Robert F. Kennedy, Spiro Agnew, Cyrus Eaton, Edward Kennedy, George Forbes, Jesse Jackson, and Howard Metzenbaum. 
 Call #:  MS 4370 
 Extent:  104.51 linear feet (107 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Stokes, Carl. | Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority. | Cleveland Transit System. | Cleveland: NOW! | African American mayors -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African American politicians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Administrative agencies -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Records and correspondence. | Air -- Pollution -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | City planning -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Community development, Urban -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Housing -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Urban renewal -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Urban policy -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Youth -- Employment -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Glenville Shootout, Cleveland, Ohio, 1968. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Appropriations and expenditures. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Officials and employees. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Economic conditions. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Economic policy. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social conditions. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social policy. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations.
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
2Title:  Ralph J. Perk Papers     
 Creator:  Perk, Ralph J. 
 Dates:  1949-1977 
 Abstract:  Ralph J. Perk was the Cuyahoga County, Ohio auditor, 1963-1971, and mayor of Cleveland, 1972-1977. Perk, the first Republican mayor since 1941, faced big budget deficits which he covered with existing bond funds and general revenue sharing funds, as well as large federal grants from the Nixon administration. Nevertheless, city sewer and public transit systems had to be regionalized to raise operating capital. A Czech-American, Perk was seen as a national leader on ethnic issues. He retired from politics in 1977 after an unsuccessful campaign against John Glenn for the United States Senate in 1974 and a defeat in the 1977 nonpartisan mayoral primary. The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, financial records, reports, speeches, minutes, news releases, campaign materials, newspaper clippings, invitations, certificates, etc., pertaining to Perk's political career and public service. Mayoral records include voluminous correspondence and a subject file, as well as the records of various secretaries and administrative assistants. Notable issues represented in the papers include the proposed sale of the Municipal Light Plant, a 1977 survey on pornography, abortion, gun control, air pollution, regional sewer and transportation issues, public safety, senior citizens, the federal Model Cities program, urban renewal, and Cleveland's celebration of the 1976 US Bicentennial. Perk's many political campaigns are documented, particularly the 1977 mayoral campaign which resulted in his defeat. His service as county auditor is very well represented in a series of newspaper clippings, which also document such events as the Hough riots of 1966 and the Glenville Shootout of 1968. 
 Call #:  MS 4456 
 Extent:  108.01 linear feet (112 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Perk, Ralph J., 1914- | Stokes, Carl. | Cuyahoga County (Ohio). Auditor's office. | Cleveland (Ohio). Mayor -- Archives. | Cleveland (Ohio). City Council. | Cleveland (Ohio). Dept. of Public Safety. | Cleveland Municipal Light Plant. | Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. | Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority. | Abortion -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976 -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Gun control -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Pornography -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Politicians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Community development, Urban -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Urban renewal -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Air -- Pollution -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Aged -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs. | Glenville Shootout, Cleveland, Ohio, 1968. | Police -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Riots -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Personal rapid transit -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Appropriations and expenditures. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Ethnic relations. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Officials and employees. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Economic conditions. | Cuyahoga County (Ohio) -- Appropriations and expenditures. | Cuyahoga County (Ohio) -- Politics and government.
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
3Title:  Cleveland: NOW! Records     
 Creator:  Cleveland: NOW! 
 Dates:  1967-1977 
 Abstract:  Cleveland: NOW! was a multiracial joint public and private program for extensive urban renewal and revitalization in Cleveland, Ohio, created by Mayor Carl B. Stokes following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968. The program planned to raise $1.5 billion over ten years. The first 2-year phase called for spending $177 million for projects in eight areas: neighborhood housing rehabilitation; accelerated urban renewal; the creation of 16,000 jobs; expansion of small business opportunities; city planning; health, welfare, and day care centers; summer recreation programs for youth; and the construction of Camp Cleveland. The program was discredited due to the Glenville Shootout of July 23, 1968, a gun battle between police and members of the Black Nationalists Organization of New Libya who obtained weapons with funds received indirectly from Cleveland: NOW! Stokes and the NOW! trustees were sued in 1970 by 8 policemen wounded in the shootout, but the suit was dismissed in 1977. Although Cleveland: NOW! met many of its initial goals, the organization ceased activities for the most part after 1970, and was formally dissolved in 1980. The collection consists of articles of incorporation, minutes, board of trustees records, correspondence, financial records, records of the major programs, publicity information, newspaper clippings, and proceedings of lawsuits. The collection pertains to a dramatic, multiracial attempt on a large scale to address and ameliorate a wide range of social ills by initial infusions of large amounts of money. The financial records and contributors correspondence contain detailed information for a possible demographic examination of contributors to the program. 
 Call #:  MS 4501 
 Extent:  3.80 linear feet (5 containers) 
 Subjects:  Stokes, Carl. | Evans, Fred (Fred Ahmed), d.1978. | Cleveland: NOW! -- Archives. | Cleveland (Ohio). Mayor's Council on Youth Opportunities. | Near West Side Multi-Service Center (Cleveland, Ohio) | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Administrative agencies -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Records and correspondence. | Community development, Urban -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Community centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Social action -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Youth -- Employment -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Youth -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Recreation. | Glenville Shootout, Cleveland, Ohio, 1968. | Urban renewal -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Urban policy -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Housing rehabilitation -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Social work with youth -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Job creation -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Fund raising -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Recreation and juvenile delinquency. | Charities -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Charitable contributions. | Camp Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio) | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social policy. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social conditions. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations.
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