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Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. in subject [X]
Antislavery movements -- United States. in subject [X]
Independent Knights of Temperance. in subject [X]
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
1Title:  Harmon Family Papers     
 Creator:  Harmon Family 
 Dates:  1766-1885 
 Abstract:  The Harmon family moved to Mantua, Portage County, Ohio from Suffield Connecticut, in 1799. Elias Harmon held several public offices and was land agent for many Connecticut residents. His son, Orrin, was active in the land business and was surveyor for Portage County and the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Julian Harmon was the son of Orrin. The collection contains the papers of Elias, Orrin, Julian and Martin Harmon. Includes correspondence, diaries, financial accounts and receipts, land deeds and memoranda of sales, legal documents, estate papers, powers of attorney, tax records, notebooks, surveys, and other papers, documenting their note collection and land agency business. Also, includes material on the Protection Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, the Franklin and Warren Railroad, the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal, the Independent Knights of Temperance, and the fur trade and anti-slavery movement, with references to state and national politics, banking policies, and anti-masonic movements. 
 Call #:  MS 0104 
 Extent:  5.40 linear feet (14 containers) 
 Subjects:  Harmon family. | Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. | Independent Knights of Temperance. | Temperance -- Ohio -- Societies, etc. | Peddlers and peddling -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Deeds -- Ohio -- Portage County. | Real property -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Real property -- Ohio -- Portage County. | Fur trade -- United States. | Executors and administrators -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Antislavery movements -- United States. | Mantua (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. | Portage County (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. | Portage County (Ohio) -- Surveys. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. | Ohio -- Politics and government -- 1787-1865. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1783-1865. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- Surveys.
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