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Bimetallism in subject [X]
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Sherman silver law, 1890 in subject [X]
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1Title:  Speech of Hon. Joseph C. Sibley, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Representatives, Friday, August 18, 1893    
 Creator:  Sibley, Joseph Crocker, 1850-1926 
 Publication:  Geo. R. Gray, Washington, D.C,1893. 
 Notes:  At head of title: If you have whispered truth, do it no longer, but speak as the trumpet does, louder and stronger. 
 Call #:  Pam. 00016 
 Extent:  32 p. ; 22 cm. 
 Subjects:  Sherman silver law, 1890 -- Speeches in Congress | Sherman silver law, 1890 | Silver question -- Speeches in Congress | Bimetallism -- Speeches in Congress | Banks and banking -- United States -- Speeches in Congress | Banks and banking | Bimetallism | Economic policy | Silver question | United States -- Economic policy -- Speeches in Congress | United States | Speeches in Congress
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