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Missions -- Mississippi River Valley in subject [X]
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Catholic Church -- Ohio River Valley in subject [X]
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Catholic Church -- Ohio River Valley[X]
Missions -- Mississippi River Valley[X]
Missions -- Ohio River Valley (1)
1Title:  Ein Blick in's Thal des Ohio, oder, Briefe èuber den Kampf und das Wiederaufleben der katholischen Kirche im fernen Westen der Vereinigten Staaten    
 Creator:  Henni, John Martin, 1805-1881 
 Mirer, Johann P.
 Publication:  F. S. Hèubschmann, Mèunchen,1836. 
 Notes:  Reports on mission opportunities for the Catholic Church in the Old Northwest of the United States, written after Henni was sent to Europe in 1835 to raise money for his diocese. The reports are in the form of letters addressed to Joh. P. Mirer, of St. Gall, Switzerland. Pref. signed: J.M. Henny, Missionèar. The Rev. John Martin Henni was Bishop of the Diocese of Milwaukee from 1844 to 1875, Archbishop from 1875 until his death in 1881. Includes bibliographical references. 
 Call #:  F36R H516 Vault 
 Extent:  viii, 128 p. ; 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Catholic Church -- Ohio River Valley | Missions -- Ohio River Valley | Missions -- Mississippi River Valley
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