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Boston Massacre, 1770[X]
Boston Tea Party, 1773[X]
Slater Family (1)
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1Title:  The historic Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773: Its men and objects: incidents leading to, accompanying, and following the throwing overboard of the tea. Including a short account of the Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770. With patriotic lessons therefrom adapted to the present time    
 Creator:  Wall, Caleb A. (Caleb Arnold), 1820-1898 
 Publication:  Press of F. S. Blanchard, Worcester, Mass,1896. 
 Call #:  E215.7 W18 
 Extent:  87p. front. (port.) plates. 23cm. 
 Subjects:  Slater Family | Boston Tea Party, 1773 | Boston Massacre, 1770
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