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Slave trade -- Great Britain in subject [X]
Marryat, Joseph. -- Thoughts on the abolition of the slave trade in subject [X]
African Institution (London, England) in subject [X]
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Book (1)
African Institution (London, England)[X]
Marryat, Joseph. -- Thoughts on the abolition of the slave trade[X]
Slave trade -- Great Britain[X]
1Title:  An exposure of some of the numerous mistatements [!] and misrepresentations contained in a pamphlet commonly known by the name of Mr. Marryatt's pamphlet, entitled "Thoughts on the abolition of the slave trade and the civilization of Africa, with remarks on the African institution, and an exmaination of the report of their committee recommending a general registry of slaves in the British West-India islands."    
 Publication:  Ellerton and Henderson for J. Hatchard, London,1816. 
 Call #:  HT1162 E96 
 Extent:  [4], 65 p. ; 20 cm. 
 Subjects:  Marryat, Joseph. -- Thoughts on the abolition of the slave trade | African Institution (London, England) | Slave trade -- Great Britain
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