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Sericulture (1)
Silk industry (1)
Silk worms[X]
1Title:  Growth and manufacture of silk: Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives, of May 11, 1826, in relation to the growth and manufacture of silk, adapted to the different parts of the Union. February 7, 1828. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture    
 Creator:  United States Dept. of the Treasury. 
 Genet, Edmond Charles, 1763-1834
 Publication:  Printed by Gales & Seaton, Washington,1828. 
 Call #:  SF545 U58 
 Extent:  8, viii, 9-220 p. : illus., V pl. (1 fold.) fold. tab. ; 24 cm. 
 Subjects:  Sericulture | Silk industry | Silk worms | Mulberry
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