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Hesse, Sydney, d. 1986. in subject [X]
Politicians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
1Title:  Sydney Hesse Papers     
 Creator:  Hesse, Sydney 
 Dates:  1932-1936 
 Abstract:  Sydney Hesse was an Ohio state legislator from Cleveland, serving 1932-1936. During his tenure the legislature considered a ten percent tax on movie tickets and a general sales tax. The collection consists of an election certificate, campaign materials, constituent correspondence, legislation information, newspaper clippings, and a business card for the law firm of Hesse, Carney, Glick and Farina. The collection deals with Hesse's brief political career and the issues he faced as a legislator. The material also serves as an example of public opinion on the proposed movie tax and the sales tax proposal of 1933. The collection does not, however, indicate Hesse's position on these issues. 
 Call #:  MS 4389 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Hesse, Sydney, d. 1986. | Legislators -- Ohio. | Politicians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Taxation -- Law and legislation -- Ohio. | Taxation -- Ohio -- Public opinion. | Ohio -- Politics and government -- 1865-1951.
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