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Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. in subject [X]
Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History. in subject [X]
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Surveys. in subject [X]
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
1Title:  Leonard Case, Sr. Family Papers     
 Creator:  Case, Leonard Sr. 
 Dates:  1795-1917 
 Abstract:  Leonard Case, Sr. (1786-1864) was a land agent, bank and railroad executive, and politician in Cleveland, Ohio. His sons, Leonard Jr., a noted philanthropist, and William, a politician, were active in local civic and business affairs. His brother Zophar was a lawyer and politician in Clinton County, Illinois. His nephew Eckstein was a lawyer and Secretary-Treasurer of the Case School of Applied Science. The collection consists of maps, plats, surveys, and deeds to land in Cuyahoga County and Cleveland, three account books of the Connecticut School Fund, memoirs of Leonard Case Sr., ca. 200 federal land grants to U.S. veterans (1848-1857), histories of the Western Reserve and Trumbull County, reminiscences of Benjamin Lane, a diary and correspondence of William Case, a field book of Zophar Case, and letters from Cleveland businessmen to Eckstein Case. 
 Call #:  MS 2871 
 Extent:  3.10 linear feet (5 containers and 2 oversize volumes) 
 Subjects:  Case family. | Eckstein family. | Case, Leonard, 1786-1864. | Land titles -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Land titles -- Michigan. | Real property -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Real property -- Michigan. | Ohio -- History -- 1787-1865. | Ohio -- Maps. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- Maps. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- History. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Maps. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Surveys. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Clinton County (Ill.) -- Surveys.
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