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Ohio imprints 1856 in subject [X]
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Clothing and dress[X]
Etiquette (1)
Ohio imprints 1856[X]
1Title:  The lady's guide to perfect gentility: in manners, dress, and conversation, in the family, in company, at the piano forte, the table, in the street, and in gentlemen's society. Also a useful instructor in letter writing, toilet preparations, fancy needlework, millinery, dressmaking, care of wardrobe, the hair, teeth, hands, lips, complexion, etc    
 Creator:  Thornwell, Emily. 
 Publication:  Derby & Jackson, H.W. Derby, New York, Cincinnati,1856. 
 Call #:  BJ1856 T5 1856 
 Extent:  vii, 243, 6 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. 
 Subjects:  Etiquette | Clothing and dress | Ohio imprints 1856
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