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Women in church work -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Manuscript Collection in format [X]
Euclid Avenue Congregational Church (Cleveland, Ohio). in subject [X]
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1Title:  Euclid Avenue Congregational Church Records, Series II     
 Creator:  Euclid Avenue Congregational Church 
 Dates:  1949-1965 
 Abstract:  The Euclid Avenue Congregational Church was founded in 1843, in Cleveland, Ohio. Until 1853 it had a Presbyterian form of government and was called the Presbyterian Church of East Cleveland. A Hough Avenue branch of the church existed from 1890 until 1934, under the name Hough Avenue Congregational Church. In 1934 it merged with the Euclid Avenue church. The Euclid Avenue Congregational Church was destroyed by fire on March 23, 2010. The collection consists of executive board minutes and business meeting minutes of the Women's Association of Euclid Avenue Congregational Church. The collection is arranged chronologically by sets of board minutes. 
 Call #:  MS 4615 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Euclid Avenue Congregational Church (Cleveland, Ohio). | Euclid Avenue Congregational Church (Cleveland, Ohio) Women's Association. | Congregational churches -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Churches -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Church records and registers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Women in church work -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Women -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs.
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