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Saxton-Parker-Daniels Funeral Chapels (Lakewood, Ohio) in subject [X]
Death certificates -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Saxton Funeral Home Records     
 Creator:  Saxton Funeral Home 
 Dates:  1882-1997 
 Abstract:  Saxton Funeral Home was established as E.H. Saxton in 1872. Located on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio, it occupied various addresses on Pearl Street and Detroit Avenue, eventually merging with the Daniels-Parker Funeral Home and Klanke Funeral Parlors, Inc. In the spring of 1997, the Saxton-Parker-Daniels Funeral Home became part of Busch Funeral and Crematory Services. The clientele of the Saxton Funeral Home reflected the demographics of the west side of Cleveland and suburban Lakewood. The British Isles, Scandinavia, and Germany were frequently listed as birthplaces of the deceased. As the population changed throughout the 1980s, the deceased in most foreign-born funerals were described as having been born in Asia or the Middle East. Nevertheless, the majority of native-born clientele served by the funeral home were white Protestants. The collection consists of affidavits, benefit applications, certificates, correspondence, court documents, cremation records, death certificates, death notices, deeds, financial statements, forms, funeral arrangement record books, funeral arrangement records, gravestone rubbings, holy cards, hospital records, insurance records, ledger books, legal documents, lists, memorial cards, military discharge records, newspaper articles, newspaper clippings, notes, obituaries, payment arrangements, photographs, purchase orders, social service records, and wills. 
 Call #:  MS 5059 
 Extent:  76.90 linear feet (77 containers and 4 oversize volumes) 
 Subjects:  Saxton Funeral Home (Lakewood, Ohio) | William Daniels Funeral Home (Lakewood, Ohio) | Daniels-Parker Funeral Home (Lakewood, Ohio) | Klanke Funeral Parlors (Lakewood, Ohio) | Saxton-Klanke Funeral Home (Lakewood, Ohio) | Saxton-Parker-Daniels Funeral Chapels (Lakewood, Ohio) | Death care industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Funeral homes -- Ohio -- Lakewood. | Crematoriums -- Ohio -- Lakewood. | Death certificates -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Registers of births, etc. -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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