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Musical groups -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Music -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  German Concert Orchestra Records     
 Creator:  German Concert Orchestra 
 Dates:  1926-1983 
 Abstract:  The German Concert Orchestra, a musical and cultural performing group dedicated to the preservation of music by German composers, was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1925. Originally part of the German Central Organization (Deutche Zentrale), it was known as the "Orchester der Deutche Zentrale." Breaking away from its parent organization in 1937, it was renamed the German Concert Orchestra in 1938. The orchestra performed many concerts as a part of the German-American community throughout the 1930s and 1940s. It affiliated with the Society of Danube Swabians in Cleveland during the 1970s and 1980s, and was based during these years at the Society's Banater Hall. In 1989, the orchestra ceased its affiliation with the Society of Danube Swabians, and once again became a group of the German Central Organization. The collection consists of brief histories, minutes, correspondence, financial reports, publicity,and programs. 
 Call #:  MS 4568 
 Extent:  0.40 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  German Concert Orchestra. | Music -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Music -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. | Music -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Performance. | Concerts -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Musical groups -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Orchestra. | Germans -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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2Title:  Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra Records     
 Creator:  Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra Records 
 Dates:  1937-1992 
 Abstract:  The Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1938, by three musicians, Irving Klein, Alfred Zetzer, and Robert Zupnick. They envisioned the orchestra as a training ground for young musicians seeking orchestral experience towards future professional careers and as an outlet for talented amateur musicians. F. Karl Grossman, professor of music at Western Reserve University, was the first conductor and music director of the group, serving for 25 years. Affiliated with Western Reserve University in its early years, the orchestra performed at various locations. Later conductors included Zoltan Rozsnyai, Jose Serebrier, Robert Marcellus, John Ross, and William Slocum. In 1973, the orchestra first sponsored the Young Person's Concerto Competition, later renamed the Frieda Schumacher Concerto Competition. The orchestra also extended its outreach into the community, playing concerts for specific ethnic groups at the Bohemian National Hall, for the Polish-American Congress and the Lithuanian community, and at annual Martin Luther King Day concerts held at Cuyahoga Community College. Beginning in 1976, the orchestra performed under the name Cleveland Civic Orchestra, changing its name back to the Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra in 1981. Throughout its history, the orchestra performed new works by local composers, including F. Karl Grossman, Leslie Adams, Ernest Miller, Robert Rollin, Daniel Shell, and Peter Ware. It featured soloists such as Josef Gingold, Daniel Majeske, Phil Myers, Eunice Podis, Linda Cerone, Jean Kraft, Richard Weiss, John Mack, Roman Rudnytsky, and many others. The collection consists of histories, articles of incorporation and constitutions, minutes, correspondence, notes, manuals and notebooks, articles, newspaper clippings, publicity materials, financial materials, grant applications, membership lists, reports, programs, and scrapbooks. 
 Call #:  MS 4712 
 Extent:  6.20 linear feet (7 containers) 
 Subjects:  Grossman, F. Karl. | Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra. | Frieda Schumacher Concerto Competition. | Music -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Music -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Performance. | Concerts -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Composers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Orchestra. | Musical groups -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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