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1Title:  Baseball, 1870-1994    
 Creator:  Cleveland Ball Club Co. 
 Cleveland Indians Baseball Company.
 The Cleveland press.
 Date:  1870 
 Abstract:  Miscellaneous materials relating to Baseball, including: 1. various newspaper clippings related to baseball, 2. photograph of baseball team (1870), 3. seating plan of the Cleveland Stadium compliments of the Cleveland Baseball Co., 4. schedule and score record of the Cleveland Baseball Club (1917), 5. seating plan and schedule of the Cleveland Indians during the 1994 inaugural year, 6. issue of Indian News Vol.2 No.3 (May, 1948), 7. photocopy of "League Park Pointers" (1914), 8. photocopy of essay titled "Saga of Cleveland Baseball", and 9. photocopy of the Cleveland Press 1908 Official Score Card 
 Language:  English (eng) 
 Call #:  SVF (Baseball, 1870-1994...) 
 Extent:  0.01 linear feet (1 folder) 
 Media:  Bound Volumes, Clippings, Ephemera, Handbills, Newsletters, Photographs,  
 Subjects:  Baseball -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History | Baseball -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Miscellanea. | Baseball -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Cleveland Ball Club Co. | Cleveland Indians (Baseball team) -- Miscellanea.