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Veterans -- Ohio -- Societies, etc. in subject [X]
Smith, Charles Henry, 1837-1912. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Charles and Louisa Smith Papers     
 Creator:  Smith, Charles and Louisa 
 Dates:  1861-1940 
 Abstract:  Charles H Smith (1837-1912) was a Cleveland, Ohio, grain merchant who had served as an officer in the 27th Ohio Infantry Regiment during the American Civil War. His wife, Louisa Johnson Smith (1847-1932), was a humanitarian and civic leader in Cleveland. The collection consists of correspondence, muster rolls, general and special orders, reports of ordnance stores, returns, affidavits from the court-martial of John W. Mercer, legal documents about land purchases in Kansas, minutes of reunions of Fuller's Ohio Brigade, the Society of the Tennessee, and the Loyal Legion, speeches and miscellaneous notes and papers used in writing The History of Fuller's Ohio Brigade, and other military papers of Charles H. Smith; and correspondence, programs and papers from various patriotic organizations, speeches, and an incomplete scrapbook of Louisa Johnson Smith. 
 Call #:  MS 2860 
 Extent:  1.30 linear feet (4 containers) 
 Subjects:  Smith, Charles Henry, 1837-1912. | Smith, Louisa Maria Johnson, 1847-1932. | Soldiers -- Ohio -- Correspondence. | Veterans -- Ohio -- Societies, etc. | Courts-martial and courts of inquiry -- United States. | Patriotic societies -- Ohio. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources.
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