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Morse family. in subject [X]
Wayne's Campaign, 1794. in subject [X]
Indians of North America -- Wars -- 1790-1794. in subject [X]
Results:  1 Item
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Agriculture -- Ohio -- Poland. (1)
Indians of North America -- Wars -- 1790-1794.[X]
Kirtland family. (1)
Mills and mill-work -- Ohio -- Poland. (1)
Morse family.[X]
Poland (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. (1)
Potter, Jared, 1742-1810. (1)
Wayne's Campaign, 1794.[X]
Manuscript CollectionSave
1Title:  Kirtland and Morse Family Papers     
 Creator:  Kirtland and Morse Family 
 Dates:  1779-1910 
 Abstract:  The Kirtland and Morse families were founders of Poland, Ohio, and include among their members Judge Turhand Kirtland, Dr. Jared P. Kirtland, and businessmen Henry K. and Henry G. Morse. The collection consists of correspondence, account books, daybooks, land deeds, shipping records, and other papers of George, Henry T., Jared and Turhand Kirtland, and of Edwin, Eldredge, Elkanah, Emery and Henry K. Morse, and of other members of the Kirtland and Morse families. Includes records of the Kirtland and Morse Company and of the Morse Bridge Company, papers of Richard Hall and William Truman, a transcript of a journal by William Law, a history of Anthony Wayne's Indian campaign, and a biography of and letters to Dr. Jared Potter. 
 Call #:  MS 1463 
 Extent:  4.10 linear feet (8 containers and 8 oversize volumes) 
 Subjects:  Potter, Jared, 1742-1810. | Kirtland family. | Morse family. | Agriculture -- Ohio -- Poland. | Mills and mill-work -- Ohio -- Poland. | Indians of North America -- Wars -- 1790-1794. | Wayne's Campaign, 1794. | Poland (Ohio) -- History -- Sources.
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