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Elections -- Ohio -- Newburgh. in subject [X]
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
1Title:  Newburgh, Ohio, Records     
 Creator:  Newburgh, Ohio 
 Dates:  1815-1915 
 Abstract:  Newburgh Township was organized in 1814, near Cleveland, Ohio. Between 1823 and 1914 portions of Newburgh were annexed to Cleveland, East Cleveland, Independence, Garfield Heights and Newburgh Heights. The collection consists of town books containing minutes of meetings of electors and trustees, election results, court dockets, copies of receipts and petitions; school fund records (1883-1889); treasurers' books (1839-1890); election pollbooks and tally sheets (1843-1866, 1893-1915); township clerks' records; petitions, mortgages, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, bonds, receipts; and notes on the political history of Newburgh compiled by Henry H. Bohning, township clerk at the turn of the century. 
 Call #:  MS 3058 
 Extent:  5.00 linear feet (4 containers and 9 oversize volumes) 
 Subjects:  Newburgh (Ohio) | Court calendars -- Ohio -- Newburgh. | Elections -- Ohio -- Newburgh. | Newburgh (Ohio) -- Politics and government.
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