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Curtis, Henry Barnes, 1799-1885. in subject [X]
Architecture, Domestic -- Ohio. in subject [X]
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Manuscript Collection[X]
Architecture, Domestic -- Ohio.[X]
Curtis, Henry Barnes, 1799-1885.[X]
Mount Vernon (Ohio) -- History. (1)
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1Title:  Henry Barnes Curtis Papers     
 Creator:  Curtis, Henry Barnes 
 Dates:  1824-1847 
 Abstract:  Henry Barnes Curtis (1799-1885) was a lawyer, of Mt. Vernon, Ohio. The collection consists of specifications, contracts, bills, orders, receipts, and other memoranda, relating to the construction of the Curtis home. Actual construction of this building, now known as the Curtis-Devin home, was begun in 1934 by Westley Irvin and Eliphalet Armstrong, who followed a design published in Edward Shaw's Civil Architecture in 1831. Some of these papers were published in the Appendix of I. T. Frary's Early Homes of Ohio (Richmond: Garrett and Massie, 1936). 
 Call #:  MS 2896 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Curtis, Henry Barnes, 1799-1885. | Architecture, Domestic -- Ohio. | Mount Vernon (Ohio) -- History.
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