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1Title:  The Middlesex collection of sacred harmony    
 Creator:  Belknap, Daniel, 1771-1815 
 Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748
 Publication:  Printed typographically for the author by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, Boston,1802. 
 Notes:  Principally for 3-4 voices. "Published according to act of Congress." Includes index. 
 Call #:  M2117 M627 1802 
 Extent:  1 score (111 p.) ; 13 x 22 cm. 
 Subjects:  Hymns, English | Psalms (Music) | Tune-books | Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices), Unaccompanied | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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2Title:  The Western lyre: a new selection of sacred music from the best authors : including a number of new and original tunes with a concise introduction to the art of singing    
 Creator:  Snyder, W. B. 
 Chappell, W. L.
 Publication:  Printed for the authors by J.H. Wood, Cincinnati,1831. 
 Notes:  "Preface" dated: Nov. 1, 1831. Shape-note notation. 
 Call #:  M2117 S675 
 Extent:  1 score (184, 40 p.) ; 14 x 24 cm. 
 Subjects:  Hymns, English | Psalms (Music) | Shape note hymnals | Ohio imprints 1831
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3Title:  The sacred harp, or, Eclectic harmony: a collection of church music consisting of a great variety of psalm and hymn tunes, anthems, sacred songs and chants, original and selected : including many new and beautiful subjects from the most eminent composers    
 Creator:  Mason, Lowell, 1792-1872 
 Mason, Timothy B. (Timothy Battelle), 1801-1861
 Publication:  Truman and Smith, Cincinnati,1835. 
 Notes:  Cover title: Mason's sacred harp. Principally for 4 voices. At head of title on cover: Beauties of church music. Includes indexes. Shape-note notation. 
 Call #:  M2117 M4S2 
 Extent:  1 score (xx, 232 p.) ; 15 x 26 cm. 
 Subjects:  Hymns, English | Psalms (Music) | Anthems | Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts), Unaccompanied | Shape note hymnals | Ohio imprints 1835
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