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New York (City) -- Water-supply in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Catskill Aqueduct (1)
New York (City) -- Water-supply[X]
1Title:  The Catskill aqueduct and earlier water supplies of the city of New York: with elementary chapters on the source and uses of water and the building of aqueducts, and an outline for an allegorical pageant    
 Creator:  Hall, Edward Hagaman, b. 1858 
 New York (City) Mayor's Catskill Aqueduct Celebration Committee.
 Publication:  The Mayor's Catskill Aqueduct Celebration Committee, New York,1917. 
 Call #:  F9ZYK H175 
 Extent:  132 p. illus. (incl. map, facsim.) 24 cm. 
 Subjects:  New York (City) -- Water-supply | Catskill Aqueduct
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