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Russell, Jack P. (Jack Paul), 1915-1979. in subject [X]
Cleveland (Ohio). City Council. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Jack P. Russell Papers     
 Creator:  Russell, Jack P. 
 Dates:  1931-1977 
 Abstract:  Jack P. Russell was a Cleveland, Ohio, councilman, 1943-1971, council president, 1955-1963, and Democratic majority leader who was born Paul Ruschak, but changed his name in the 1930s. Russell was raised in the Hungarian-American community of Cleveland's Buckeye Road neighborhood and published newspapers in that area, including the Buckeye Press. He was councilman from the 16th ward from 1943 to 1971 and operated several businesses, including the Ohio Fire Protection Systems. The collection consists of scrapbooks and newspaper clippings relating to Russell's career in politics. Also included are memorabilia from campaigns, his Night in Budapest celebrations, and a small amount of correspondence. The collection pertains to the career of a major Cleveland political figure and the Cleveland political arena. 
 Call #:  MS 4457 
 Extent:  3.41 linear feet (8 containers, 7 oversize volumes, and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Russell, Jack P. (Jack Paul), 1915-1979. | Cleveland (Ohio). City Council. | Politicians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Hungarian Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government.
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