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Euclid Avenue (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
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Floriculture -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Ella Grant Wilson Papers     
 Creator:  Wilson, Ella Grant 
 Dates:  1864-1938 
 Abstract:  Ella Grant Wilson (1854-1939) was a Cleveland, Ohio, florist, publicist, journalist and author. She was founder of the Floral Syndicate, a publicity service which promoted conventions and other activities of interest to the floral industry and was garden editor of the Plain Dealer. Her series in the Sunday Plain Dealer, focusing on historic Cleveland led to her book, "Famous old Euclid Avenue", featuring anecdotes, history and biographies relating to the homes and personalities of "Millionaires' Row." The collection consists of correspondence, reminiscences, writings, and memorabilia relating to Wilson's life and family, the floral industry, her organizational affiliations, and her book. There are also some genealogical materials relating to the Grant family. The collection is particularly useful to the study of women in business, the floral industry in Cleveland and the Midwest, and the history of Cleveland. 
 Call #:  MS 4302 
 Extent:  3.00 linear feet (5 containers) 
 Subjects:  Wilson, Ella Grant, 1854-1939. | Grant family. | Floriculture -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Floriculture -- United States. | Florists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Flowers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Marketing. | Flower shows -- United States. | Women -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Biography. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- History. | Euclid Avenue (Cleveland, Ohio) | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social life and customs.
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