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Shakers -- Doctrines in subject [X]
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1Title:  A declaration of the society of people (commonly called Shakers): shewing their reasons for refusing to aid or abet the cause of war and bloodshed by bearing arms, paying fines, hiring substitutes, or rendering any equivalent for military services    
 Creator:  Shakers 
 Green, Calvin.
 Wells, Seth Y. (Seth Youngs)
 MacLean, J. P. (John Patterson), 1848-1939
 Youngs, Benjamin Seth, b. 1773?
 Shaker Collection (Library of Congress)
 Publication:  Printed by E. & E. Hosford, Albany,1815. 
 Notes:  Attributed to Calvin Green and Seth Y. Wells in MacLean. 
 Call #:  BX9789 W2S5 
 Extent:  20 p. ; 20 cm. 
 Subjects:  Shakers -- Doctrines | Pacifism -- Religious aspects | Draft | Conscientious objectors | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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