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Pilgrims (New Plymouth Colony) -- Genealogy. in subject [X]
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Genealogy. in subject [X]
Society of Mayflower Descendants. Cleveland Colony -- Archives. in subject [X]
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Cleveland (Ohio) -- Genealogy.[X]
Massachusetts -- History -- New Plymouth, 1620-1691 -- Societies, etc. (1)
Patriotic societies -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Pilgrims (New Plymouth Colony) -- Genealogy.[X]
Society of Mayflower Descendants. Cleveland Colony -- Archives.[X]
United States -- Genealogy. (1)
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1Title:  Society of Mayflower Descendants, Cleveland Colony Records     
 Creator:  Society of Mayflower Descendants, Cleveland Colony 
 Dates:  1930-1984 
 Abstract:  The Cleveland Colony of the Society of Mayflower Descendants (f. 1930) was organized by Mrs. Walter D. Meals as a colony of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Ohio. The activities of the colony include genealogical research on descendants of Mayflower passengers and distributing copies of the Mayflower Compact in schools. Membership is open to any proven descendant of a Mayflower passenger. The collection consists of a history of the colony, a petition for its charter, constitutions, minutes, membership data, genealogical information on members, reports, bulletins, financial records, information on events, correspondence, copies of addresses, scrapbooks, writings, newspaper clippings, reports of colony organizations, and miscellaneous documents. This collection is useful for those interested in the activities of the Society of Mayflower Descendants and of patriotic societies in general. Also valuable is the genealogical information on Mayflower passengers and their descendants. 
 Call #:  MS 4178 
 Extent:  2.81 linear feet (4 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Society of Mayflower Descendants. Cleveland Colony -- Archives. | Patriotic societies -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Pilgrims (New Plymouth Colony) -- Genealogy. | Massachusetts -- History -- New Plymouth, 1620-1691 -- Societies, etc. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Genealogy. | United States -- Genealogy.
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