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1Title:  Matthew Luckiesh Papers     
 Creator:  Luckiesh, Matthew 
 Dates:  1887-2013 
 Abstract:  Matthew Luckiesh (1883-1967) was an authority and pioneer in the research of light, lighting, color, vision, and seeing. Known as "the father of the Science of Seeing," he was a physicist at the Incandescent Lamp Department of the General Electric Company in Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of awards, booklets, a calendar, certificates, a comic book, correspondence, diplomas, directories, a dissertation, forms, a genealogy, illustrations, a license, magazine articles, manuscripts of books, newspaper articles, notebooks, notes, pamphlets, patents, programs, a radio show script, reports, research notes, research papers, scholarly articles, scrapbooks, and speeches. 
 Call #:  MS 5171 
 Extent:  5.77 linear feet (5 containers, 26 volumes, and 2 oversize folders) 
 Subjects:  Electric lighting -- History -- 20th century | Electric lighting -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Electric lighting. | General Electric Company. Lamp Division (Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio) | General Electric Company. | Lighting. | Luckiesh family | Luckiesh, Matthew, 1883-1967 | Pitts family | Vision.
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