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Cakchikel language in subject [X]
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Cakchikel language[X]
Cakchikel language -- Grammar (1)
1Title:  A grammar of the Cakchiquel language of Guatemala: tr. from a MS. in the library of the American Philosophical Society, with an introduction and additions    
 Creator:  Brinton, Daniel Garrison, 1837-1899 
 Publication:  McCalla & Stavely, prs, Philadelphia,1884. 
 Notes:  "This translation originally appeared in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, no. 115. A limited number of copies have been reprinted in separate form for the convenience of students of linguistics. To these a map has been added." - Pref. "The present grammar of the Cakchiquel is the translation of a portion of a Spanish manuscript presented to the library of the American Philosophical Society in 1836, by Senor Mariano Galves, then Governor of Guatemala, and obtained, it would appear, from the library of one of the religious houses." - p. 9. 
 Call #:  B 8644 
 Extent:  72 p. front. (fold. map) 24 cm. 
 Subjects:  Cakchikel language | Cakchikel language -- Grammar
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