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Dively, George S., 1902-1988. in subject [X]
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Education, Higher. in subject [X]
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1Title:  George S. Dively Foundation Records     
 Creator:  Geo. S. Dively Foundation 
 Dates:  1956-1991 
 Abstract:  The George S. Dively Foundation was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1956, by industrialist and philanthropist George S. Dively. Funding has centered around the field of higher education, with scholarship funds being established for engineering, business administration, graphic arts, and urban affairs students at numerous institutions, including the University of Pittsburgh, Harvard Business School, Lock Haven (Pennsylanvania) State College, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland State University, and the Florida Institute of Technology. Other organizations receiving funding reflect the interests of Dively; including civic improvement, enterprise development, and the arts. The foundation was officially closed in 1995. The collection consists of articles of incorporation, code of regulations, annual reports, minutes, correspondence, proposals, contribution records, investment records, legal documents, agreements, grants, and awards. 
 Call #:  MS 4635 
 Extent:  5.00 linear feet (5 containers) 
 Subjects:  Dively, George S., 1902-1988. | Geo. S. Dively Foundation. | Charities -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Endowments -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Education, Higher.
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