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World War, 1939-1945 -- Aerial operations, American in subject [X]
Vincent, Clinton D in subject [X]
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Chennault, Claire Lee, -- 1893-1958 (1)
Vincent, Clinton D[X]
World War, 1939-1945 -- Aerial operations, American[X]
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1Title:  Fire and fall back    
 Creator:  McClure, Glenn E. 
 Publication:  Barnes Press, Universal City, Tex,c1975. 
 Notes:  Clifford W. Henderson National Air Races Collection book #272. "The World War Two 'CBI' story of 'Casey' Vincent - the real life counterpart of 'Colonel Vince Casey' in Milton Caniff's 'Terry and the Pirates'. A combat pilot's first hand account of the years 1942, 1943, and 1944 - including that as Commander of American Forces during their 1944 withdrawal from Eastern China airfields in the face of the victorious Japanese advance"--T.p. "Casey Vincent's story of three years in the China-Burma-India theater, including the fighting withdrawal of the Flying Tigers from Eastern China"--Jacket. Includes bibliographical references (pages 246-247) and index. 
 Call #:  D790 .M478 1975 
 Extent:  256 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm 
 Subjects:  Vincent, Clinton D | Chennault, Claire Lee, -- 1893-1958 | World War, 1939-1945 -- Aerial operations, American
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