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Rosenwasser, Marcus, 1846-1910. in subject [X]
Newspaper editors -- Nebraska -- Omaha. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Rosenwasser (Rosewater) Family Papers     
 Creator:  Rosenwasser (Rosewater) Family 
 Dates:  1862-2004 
 Abstract:  Herman and Rosalia Rosenwasser settled in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1854 with six children, including Marcus Rosenwasser and Edward Rosewater (who anglicized his name upon arriving in America). Marcus Rosenwasser was a prominent surgeon and obstetrician who served at St. Ann's Maternity Hospital, and taught at Cleveland College for Physicians and Surgeons. Edward Rosewater became a telegrapher who served the Union army during the Civil War. Following the war, Rosewater moved to Omaha, Nebraska, where he became a prominent member of the Republican party and helped found the Omaha Bee, a local newspaper. The collection consists of birth certificates, correspondence, essays, genealogical charts and notes, journals, newspaper clippings, and notebooks. 
 Call #:  MS 5010 
 Extent:  0.40 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Rosenwasser, Marcus, 1846-1910. | Rosewater, Edward, 1841-1906. | Rosenwasser family. | Rosewater family. | Surgeons -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Obstetricians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Telegraphers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Newspaper editors -- Nebraska -- Omaha. | Jews -- Nebraska -- Omaha.
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