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Cleveland Indians (Baseball team) in subject [X]
Manuscript Collection in format [X]
Weisman, Max (Lefty) in subject [X]
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Manuscript Collection[X]
Baseball -- Ohio -- Cleveland (1)
Cleveland Indians (Baseball team)[X]
Weisman, Max (Lefty)[X]
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1Title:  Max (Lefty) Weisman Papers and Photographs     
 Creator:  Weisman, Max (Lefty) 
 Dates:  1922-1984 
 Abstract:  Max (Lefty) Weisman was born in 1895 in Austria, moving to Boston, and then to Cleveland, Ohio. He began work as a trainer for the Cleveland Indians in 1921 and was with the team until his death in 1949. The collection consists of autographs, awards, a contract, newspaper clippings, pennants, 65 black and white individual and group portraits, a program, and season passes. 
 Call #:  MS 5417 
 Extent:  0.30 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Baseball -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Cleveland Indians (Baseball team) | Weisman, Max (Lefty)
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