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Surveys -- Plotting. in subject [X]
Surveyors -- Ohio -- Akron -- Archives. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Paul Bros. Survey and Land Records of Summit County, Ohio     
 Creator:  Paul Bros. 
 Dates:  1839-1917 
 Abstract:  Paul Bros. was a surveying, engineering and mining firm in Akron, Ohio, which was the chief surveying entity of a five-county area in the vicinity of Summit County, Ohio, for approximately 100 years. Hosea Paul (1809-1870), who came to Ohio in 1834, founded the firm and was Summit County surveyor from 1857-1870. His son Robert became county surveyor when his father died, and Robert's son Edward W. also belonged to the firm. Hosea Jr., county auditor in 1874 and also deputy county surveyor, directed the affairs of the firm before moving to Cleveland where he was Cuyahoga County recorder from 1912-1921. Other members of the firm were also children of Hosea Paul, including George, T. Dwight, Harrison D., and Edward J. The firm was also known as H. Paul & Co. The collection consists of field notes, large and small maps, property drawings, pages of mathematical computations to determine acreage, miscellaneous notes and comments, metes and bounds descriptions prepared for county records, allotment maps, affidavits in support of markers, estimates of water flow, correspondence and other information. Most of the documents are contained in packets by tracts. There are also numerous field notebooks and ledger books, and indexes of names of property holders. The records pertain primarily to the towns of Akron and Barberton, and to the townships of Franklin and Green in Summit County, Ohio. 
 Call #:  MS 3376 
 Extent:  34.20 linear feet (75 containers and 1 oversize volume) 
 Subjects:  Paul Bros. -- Archives. | Surveying -- Ohio -- Summit County. | Surveying -- Ohio -- Summit County -- Tables. | Surveyors -- Ohio -- Akron -- Archives. | Surveys -- Plotting. | Topographical surveying -- Ohio -- Summit County. | Real property -- Ohio -- Summit County -- Maps. | Real property surveys. | Summit County (Ohio) -- Surveys. | Akron (Ohio) -- Surveys. | Barberton (Ohio) -- Surveys. | Franklin (Summit County, Ohio) -- Surveys. | Green (Summit County, Ohio) -- Surveys.
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