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Communists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade -- Archives. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Morris and Eleanor Stamm Papers     
 Creator:  Stamm, Morris and Eleanor 
 Dates:  1936-1986 
 Abstract:  Morris and Elanor Stamm were labor, peace, civil rights and political activists from Cleveland, Ohio. Morris Stamm emigrated from Russia and came to Cleveland in 1916, where he was a laborer for 61 years. He joined the Communist Party in 1928 and was a shop floor organizer for the United Electrical Workers (UEW) in the Cleveland area. Stamm fought as a foot soldier with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War from 1937-1938. He married Eleanor Ginsberg in 1940. In 1949, Stamm was fined and jailed for picketing violations in a bitter strike of the Fawick-Airflex company called by Local 735 of the UEW. In the 1970s, Morris and Eleanor led the Cleveland Committee for a Democratic Spain, and were highly involved in the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Eleanor was politically active throughout her life, holding memberships in the American Youth Congress, the Young Communist League and the Youth Committee of the American League Against War and Fascism. The collection consists of material relating to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, including English- and Spanish-language publications, correspondence, minutes, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, newsletters, propaganda, posters, paintings, programs, reports and research papers. The collection also contains similar document types pertaining to other activities and organizations the Stamms were involved in, especially the United States Committee for a Democratic Spain. Included is material re: the strike of the Fawick-Airflex Co. in 1949, personal manuscripts and writings, and material pertaining to politics in the Cleveland metro area during the 1970s. The collection pertains primarily to the Spanish Civil War and Morris Stamm's participation in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, the effort to establish democracy in post-war Spain, socialism and communism, and labor unrest during the 20th century. 
 Call #:  MS 4505 
 Extent:  3.40 linear feet (5 containers) 
 Subjects:  Stamm, Morris, 1904- | Stamm, Eleanor G. (Eleanor Ginsberg), 1912-1989. | Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade -- Archives. | United States Committee for a Democratic Spain -- Archives. | United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. Local 735 (Cleveland, Ohio) | Fawick Airflex Strike, Cleveland, Ohio, 1949. | Communism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Communists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Socialists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Socialism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Jurisdictional disputes. | Spain -- History -- Civil War, 1936-1939 -- Sources. | Spain -- History -- Civil War, 1936-1939 -- Periodicals. | Spain -- History -- Civil War, 1936-1939 -- Participation, American. | Spain -- Politics and government -- 1975- | Spain -- Politics and government -- 1939-1975.
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