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Communists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. in subject [X]
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Cleveland (Ohio) -- Economic conditions. (1)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government.[X]
Communists -- Ohio -- Cleveland.[X]
Miller, Ray T. (Ray Thomas), 1893-1966. (1)
Public welfare -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Manuscript CollectionSave
1Title:  Ray Thomas Miller Papers, Series II     
 Creator:  Miller, Ray Thomas 
 Dates:  1924-1940 
 Abstract:  Ray Thomas Miller (1893-1966) was a prominent lawyer, businessman and Democratic political leader in Cleveland, Ohio, who served as assistant law director (1922-1923), city prosecutor (1928), and Mayor (1932-1935). A major accomplishment of his administration was the relief of the city's homeless and unemployed through the acquisition of federal Works Progress Administration (WPA) funds and the establishment of such programs as the Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority, the Wayfarer's Lodge, and municipal kitchens. The collection consists of correspondence, reports, legal documents, ordinances, resolutions, newspaper clippings, and proclamations. The majority of the material consists of departmental files containing constituent and interoffice correspondence, resolutions, and resignations. Major topics include welfare programs and Communist political activity. 
 Call #:  MS 3739 
 Extent:  6.00 linear feet (8 containers) 
 Subjects:  Miller, Ray T. (Ray Thomas), 1893-1966. | Public welfare -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Communists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Economic conditions.
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