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Vasquenz, Marietta. in subject [X]
Vasquenz, Pasqua Chichiarelli, d. 1911. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Angelo Fausto Vasquenz Papers     
 Creator:  Vasquenz, Angelo Fausto 
 Dates:  1910-1916 
 Abstract:  Angelo Fausto Vasquenz was born in Cerchio, Abruzzo, Italy, in 1879. He immigrated to Republic, Pennsylvania, in 1910, where he worked as a coal miner. He married Celestina Ciofani in 1913 in Republic, and continued to live in that community until his death in 1942. The collection consists of sixty-nine letters and one draft contract. Most of the letters are from Angelo's father, Antonio Vasquenz, who resided in Cerchio. There are also a small group of love letters to Angelo from his cousin Marietta Vasquenz, and three letters from Angelo's sisters, Maria Di Domenico Vasquenz and Pasqua Chichiarelli Vasquenz. 
 Call #:  MS 5024 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Vasquenz, Angelo Fausto, 1879-1942. | Vasquenz, Antonio, b. 1843. | Vasquenz, Marietta. | Vasquenz, Pasqua Chichiarelli, d. 1911. | Vasquenz, Maria Di Domenico. | Vasquenz family. | Peasantry -- Italy -- Abruzzo. | Farmers -- Italy -- Abruzzo. | Coal miners -- Pennsylvania -- Republic. | Italian Americans -- Pennsylvania. | Abruzzo (Italy) -- Rural conditions. | Abruzzo (Italy) -- Emigration and immigration. | Pennsylvania -- Emigration and immigration.
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