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Social service exchanges. in subject [X]
Exchange of persons programs, American. in subject [X]
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Council of International Programs. (1)
Evaluation research (Social action programs) (1)
Exchange of persons programs, American.[X]
Social service exchanges.[X]
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1Title:  Council of International Programs Records     
 Creator:  Council of International Programs 
 Dates:  1967-1979 
 Abstract:  The Council of International Programs (f. 1956) was founded by Henry B. Ollendorff (1907-1979) of Cleveland, Ohio, as an exchange for youth leaders, teachers, and social workers. It hoped to deepen understanding between countries by giving participants intimate knowledge of another country and to improve social work through a professional exchange of knowledge. Approximately 500 participants from over 100 countries live with host families for six weeks each year. Cleveland, Chicago, Philadelphia and Detroit are among the sites of host families in the United States. The collection consists of a transcript of an oral history interview with Henry Ollendorff, an evaluation of the program by the Case Western Reserve University School of Applied Social Science, and various printed materials related to the program. 
 Call #:  MS 4150 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Council of International Programs. | Exchange of persons programs, American. | Social service exchanges. | Evaluation research (Social action programs)
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