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1Title:  Tagebuch einer Entdeckungs-Reise durch Nord-America: von der Mèundung des Missouri an bis zum Einfluss der Columbia in den Stillen Ocean, gemacht in den Jahren 1804, 1805 und 1806, auf Befehl der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten, von den beiden Capitèans Lewis und Clarke    
 Creator:  Gass, Patrick, 1771-1870 
 Clark, William, 1770-1838
 Weyland, Philipp Christoph, 1765-1843
 Publication:  H.S. privil. Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, Weimar,1814. 
 Notes:  Contains two letters of Capt. Clark. 
 Call #:  F42.5 G2 1814G Vault 
 Extent:  x, 362 p. fold. map. 22 cm. 
 Subjects:  Lewis and Clark Expedition -- (1804-1809) | Indians of North America | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | Missouri River | United States -- Exploring expeditions
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2Title:  Lieutenant Armstong's expedition to the Missouri River, 1790    
 Creator:  Storm, Colton. 
 Publication:  n.p,1943] 
 Notes:  "Reprint from Mid-America, volume 25, new series, volume 14, number 3." 
 Call #:  E302.6 A7S 
 Extent:  1 p. l., 180-188 p. illus. (map) 24 cm. 
 Subjects:  Armstrong, John, -- 1755-1816 | United States -- Exploring expeditions | Missouri River
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3Title:  History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clarke: to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains, and down the river Columbia to the Pacific Ocean: performed during the years 1804, 1805, 1806, by order of the government of the United States    
 Creator:  Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809 
 Clark, William, 1770-1838
 Allen, Paul, 1775-1826
 MacVickar, Archibald
 Publication:  Harper & brothers, New York,1868. 
 Notes:  The appendix contains (1) Farther enumeration and description of the quadrupeds, birds, fishes, and plants noticed duing the expedition. (2) Enumeration of Indian nations, and their places of general residence. (3) A summary statement of the rivers, creeks, and most remarkable places, their distances from each other and from the Mississippi, up the Missouri, across the Rocky Mountains, and down the Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, as determined by Captains Lewis and Clarke. 
 Call #:  F42.5 L61 1868 Vault 
 Extent:  2 v. front. (fold. map) 17 cm. 
 Subjects:  Lewis and Clark Expedition | United States -- Exploring expeditions | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | Missouri River | Columbia River
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