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Wages -- Europe in subject [X]
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Book (1)
1Title:  State of labor in Europe, 1878: reports from the United States Consuls in the several countries of Europe on the rates of wages, cost of living to the laborers, past and present rates, present condition of trade, business habits, and systems, amount of paper money in circulation, and its relative value to gold and silver : for the several consular districts, in response to a circular from the Department of State requesting information upon these subjects ; together with a letter from the Secretary of State transmitting these reports to the Speaker of the House of Representatives    
 Publication:  Govt. Print. Off, Washington,1879. 
 Notes:  LA3688-CMP41 Location: CMP41/CMP39-1, shelf E. Referred to the Committee on Education and Labor and ordered printed, May 20, 1879. 
 Call #:  LA3688-CMP41 
 Extent:  428 p. ; 24 cm. 
 Subjects:  Labor -- Europe | Wages -- Europe | Cost and standard of living -- Europe
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