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Taylor Road Synagogue (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (2)
Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland.[X]
Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Organization and administration. (2)
Taylor Road Synagogue (Cleveland, Ohio)[X]
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1Title:  Taylor Road Synagogue Records and Photographs, Series II     
 Creator:  Taylor Road Synagogue 
 Dates:  1945-2011 
 Abstract:  Oheb Zedek Congregation (Taylor Road Synagogue) was founded in 1904. The congregation incorporated five other small to medium-sized Orthodox congregations in the early 1950s. The congregation was founded by Hungarian Jews who in 1905 purchased property at E. 38th and Scovill and began building a synagogue which was completed in September of that year. By 1915 the congregation operated a branch in Glenville near 107th and Superior for those members who had moved. A new synagogue was dedicated at Parkwood and Morison streets in Glenville in August of 1922, replacing the branch at 107th and Superior. Since approximately half the membership lived in Cleveland Heights by 1950, a branch was established there on Taylor Road. In 1952 Oheb Zedek merged with Chibas Jerusalem, located on Parkwood Drive in Glenville, to form the 500-member Taylor Road Synagogue. In 1953 the Parkwood property was sold and in 1955 the synagogue on Taylor Road was dedicated. During that two-year period from 1953 to 1955, Taylor Road Synagogue completed mergers with Agudath B'nai Israel Anshe Sfard (1953), Agudath Achim (1953), Shaaray Torah (1955), and Knesseth Israel (1955). The collection consists of records, photographs, and scrapbooks from the Taylor Road Synagogue. 
 Call #:  MS 5407 
 Extent:  2.01 linear feet (2 containers and one oversized folder) 
 Subjects:  Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Organization and administration. | Taylor Road Synagogue (Cleveland, Ohio)
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2Title:  Taylor Road Synagogue Records     
 Creator:  Taylor Road Synagogue 
 Dates:  1919-1968 
 Abstract:  Taylor Road Synagogue is the largest Orthodox congregation in Cleveland, Ohio, and is also known as Oheb Zedek Congregation. It was formed in the early 1950s by the merger of Oheb Zedek, Chibas Jerusalem, Agudas Bʻnai Israel, Agudas Achim, Shaaray Torah and Knesseth Israel congregations. The collection consists of ledgers and account books of Shaaray Torah Congregation (1919-1959), a membership ledger of Chibas Jerusalem Congregation (1930-1932), and financial statements, a general fund ledger and journal, invoices for paid bills, and receipts for dues and donations of Taylor Road Synagogue (1946-1968). 
 Call #:  MS 3765 
 Extent:  3.30 linear feet (9 containers) 
 Subjects:  Taylor Road Synagogue (Cleveland, Ohio) | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Organization and administration. | Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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