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Poor -- Ohio -- Cleveland in subject [X]
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Merrick House Settlement and Day Nursery (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
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1Title:  Merrick House Settlement and Day Nursery Records     
 Creator:  Merrick House Settlement and Day Nursery 
 Dates:  1919-1977 
 Abstract:  Merrick House Settlement and Day Nursery was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1919 by the National Catholic War Council and the Christ Child Society and named on honor of Mary Virginia Merrick, the Society's founder. Merrick House is located in the Tremont district on Cleveland's near West Side. It serves as a non-sectarian community center, providing social services and promoting community action. The collection consists of minutes, annual reports, budgets, correspondence, registration cards, questionnaires, club records, surveys, camping reports, day nursery records, community service program materials, records of affiliated organizations such as the Welfare Federation and Community Chest, newspaper clippings, published reports and printed materials. 
 Call #:  MS 4030 
 Extent:  8.90 linear feet (10 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Merrick House Settlement and Day Nursery (Cleveland, Ohio) | Poor -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Youth -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Social work with youth -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Community centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Foreign population | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social conditions
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