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Irish -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  John Walsh Papers     
 Creator:  Walsh, John 
 Dates:  1880-2000 
 Abstract:  John Walsh was born in England of Irish-born parents. Along with his wife, Anna Markey, he immigrated to the United States in 1880, and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where he worked in a weaving business. He later taught at Immaculate Conception School in Cleveland, and worked for 18 years at the United States Post Office. After leaving the post office, he became the assistant to the Cuyahoga County Treasurer and in 1911 was appointed a bailiff at the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, a position he held until 1949. During the 1890s, he organized and was first president of the Cleveland branch of the Catholic Knights of Ohio. In 1895, he became a member of the Parnell Branch of the Irish Land League. He also served as president of the MacNeven Club, organized in 1867 chiefly by Irish American veterans of the Civil War. Walsh served as the county president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and secretary of the John Mitchell Council of the Irish National Association. The collection consists of a biography, a booklet with copies of Walsh's marriage certificate and newspaper articles about him, correspondence, program books of the MacNeven Club and Ancient Order of Hibernians honoring John Walsh, miscellaneous newspaper articles, and four copies of Irish Heritage Magazine. Genealogical information about John Walsh is also included. 
 Call #:  MS 4841 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Walsh, John, 1856-1951. | Ancient Order of Hibernians. | MacNeven Club (Cleveland, Ohio). | Catholic Knights of Cleveland. | Land League (Ireland) | Irish -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Irish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Irish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc.
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