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Mann family in subject [X]
Wilson family in subject [X]
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Mann family[X]
Wilson family[X]
1Title:  The genealogy of Charles James Mann and his wife Mary Ann (Wilson) Mann and their descendants from Anno Domini 361 to Anno Domini 1947: showing descent from Fergus II, King of Scotland, Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, Alfred the Great, King of Anglo Sakon [!] England, the sureties for the Magna Charta, and the families of Ayton, Campbell, Mann Wilson    
 Creator:  Irwin, Frances Houston. 
 Runnette, Mabel Mann, 1878-
 Publication:  Philadelphia,1947] 
 Notes:  Mimeograph. 
 Call #:  Mann family, Red File 
 Extent:  102 (i.e.111) leaves, coats of arms. 289 cm. 
 Subjects:  Mann family | Wilson family
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