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Electrotherapeutics in subject [X]
Electricity in subject [X]
Imprints, Early American To 1820 in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Imprints, Early American To 1820[X]
1Title:  Electricity, or ethereal fire: considered: 1st. naturally, as the agent of animal and vegetable life: 2d. astronomically, or as the agent of gravitation and motion: 3d. medically, or its artificial use in diseases. Comprehending both the theory and practice of medical electricity; and demonstrated to be an infallible cure of fever, inflammation, and many other diseases: constituting the best family physician ever extant    
 Creator:  Gale, T. 
 Publication:  Moffitt & Lyon, Troy [N.Y.],1802. 
 Notes:  Binder's title: Gale's Family physician. 
 Call #:  RM871 G152 
 Extent:  276, [4] p. ; 17 cm. 
 Subjects:  Electricity | Electrotherapeutics | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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