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Lake Erie School of Speech Reading. in subject [X]
Hearing impaired -- United States. in subject [X]
Cleveland Association for the Hard of Hearing. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Helen Newell Garfield Papers     
 Creator:  Garfield, Helen Newell 
 Dates:  1882-1930 
 Abstract:  Helen Newell Garfield was the daughter of John Newell, president of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway, and Julia Poore Hills. She married James Rudolph Garfield, son of President James A. Garfield, in 1890, and had four sons; John N., James A., Rudolph H., and Newell. Helen was an advocate for the education and treatment of deaf children. She herself had become deaf around 1918. She ran the Lake Erie School of Speech Reading, and was an officer of the Cleveland Association for the Hard of Hearing and the American Federation of Organizations for the Hard of Hearing. Helen Newell Garfield died in 1930. The collection consists of speeches, notebooks, reprints, programs, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, and scrapbooks. One of the scrapbooks was compiled by Helen Newell Garfield on her father, John Newell, detailing his career as president of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad and containing many family photographs. The other scrapbook provides a picture of the social life of Helen Newell Garfield as an upper class Chicago, Illinois school girl and debutante. Also included is material detailing her work with the American Federation of Organizations for Hard of Hearing, and her personal notebook on speech lessons. 
 Call #:  MS 4572 
 Extent:  0.40 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Garfield, Helen Newell, 1866-1930. | Garfield, James Rudolph, 1865-1950. | Newell, John. | Garfield family. | Newell family. | American Hearing Society. | Lake Erie School of Speech Reading. | Cleveland Association for the Hard of Hearing. | Hearing impaired -- United States. | Hearing impaired -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Hearing impaired children -- United States. | Hearing impaired children -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Deaf -- Means of communication. | Women -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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